Please click on a publication to view the material.
American University Washington College of Law, Business Law Review, Business Panel on “Planning and Legal Drafting Pedagogy,” April 5, 2013.
“International Conventions and Their Interaction with National Law: Different Approaches to the Integration of Treaty Law into National Law” Presented to Atlas Corps Fellows on November 21, 2012.
529 College Savings Plans: An Investment Analysis, INVESTMENTS & WEALTH MONITOR, Sept./Oct. 2011, at 47. Reprinted with permission of Investments & Wealth Monitor.
Podcast for Next Level Purchasing on “Supplier Insurance Best Practices” (March 2011).
Following the Money: Security in Aircraft Interests and the Utility of the Cape Town Convention, 2 A.B.A. Transp. Committee Q. 7 (Spring 2009).
Annotated Edition of the Cape Town Convention, Prepared by Brian E. Foont (2009) (referenced in previous entry).
Shooting Down Civilian Aircraft: Is There an International Law?, 72 J. Air L. & Com. 695 (2007) . Originally appearing in Volume 72 of the Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Reprinted with permission of the SMU Law Review Association and the Dedman School of Law at Southern Methodist University.
Outline of Remarks Delivered at The American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law 2006 Annual Meeting Panel on Regional Airlines - Reinventing The Model For Today's Challenges July 28, 2006 - St. Louis, MO.
"Aviation Maintenance Agreements" Presented to the Regional Airline Association's General Counsel Seminar on April 11, 2006.
"Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code: The Case of US Airways" - Presented to the MBA Corporate Finance Class of Prof. Stanley E. Zin at the David A. Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Melon University on November 29, 2004.
Operation Hero Miles - In 2004 Mr. Foont had the privilege of working on the legislation to implement Operation Hero Miles, a program under which airlines can allow third parties to donate air transportation for use by U.S. soldiers and their families. In that effort he developed the text that was acceptable to all of the participating airlines and that ultimately became law. Presented here are the cover and relevant pages of H.R. 4200 (including a second copy of page 120 with a thank you note from Representative C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD)) and Public Law 108-375 (known as the "Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005"). The program is now codified at 10 U.S.C. § 2613. Two key objectives of the effort were to ensure that airlines would retain control over the use of donated travel and to ensure that soldiers and their families would not be taxed on their use of that travel.
The E-Commerce Legal Arsenal: Practitioner Agreements and Checklists (2004) (Contributor).
Court Upholds Alien Detention Without Bail, 1 Homeland Security Monitor 4 (Fall 2003).
Developments in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 2002-2003 (Contributor).
American Prohibitions Against Gambling in Int'l Aviation: An Analysis of the Gorton Amendment Under the Law of the U.S. and Int'l Law, 65 J. Air L. & Com. 409 (2000) . Originally appearing in Volume 65 of the Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Reprinted with permission of the SMU Law Review Association and the Dedman School of Law at Southern Methodist University.